Stronger, smarter.. featuring Gateway!
Secure destruction businesses across the U.S. share how they are emerging from the pandemic. Gateway contributed to how our recycling and confidential destruction companies have worked to be stronger and smarter through a difficult time. Here are a few highlights to...
Ask the Recycling Expert: Tony Iovine
Tony Iovine of Gateway Recycling will be a speaker at a webinar held by the Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District. The presentation will include leaders in the recycling industry, it is called “Ask the expert”. Educate yourself + your company on becoming more green...
New Year, New Files! Select a Secure Shredding vendor you can trust.
Did you know that a “Certificate of Destruction” does not completely transfer the liability of a security breach? Anyone can provide a piece of paper that states your documents were securely shredded, but have you done your due diligence to vet your vendor? NEVER...
OCC Market History 2015-Current
The Cardboard / OCC Market trends over the last five years have been anything but consistent, ranging from the high of $165 in spring of 2017 to $30 per ton for the majority of 2019. Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world, we have seen the OCC market price float...
The holidays make us think RED and more importantly, GREEN!!!
When we think of the holiday season, we think - red and green. Choose to take care of our planet and think green! During the holiday season there is around 1,000 pounds of extra waste per household. That seem like a lot, but if you think green, the good news is that...
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